In English

The "Tidö agreement" is a document signed by the three parties in the government (Moderaterna/M, Kristdemokraterna/KD and Liberalerna/L) plus the "supporting party" Sverigedemokraterna/SD. This agreement is a condition for the SD to support the government parties in the parliament. 

The agreement is mainly about migration and how to make life in Sweden more difficult for foreigners, specially refugees.

Read in English

The Swedish minister for migration's claims on immigrant benefit statistics are misleading  Logically Facts May 19, 2023

The difficulties of moving to Sweden as a non-EU spouse - even if you marry a Swedish princess  The Local 16.3.2023

Refugees might be affected if ministers misuse statistics  FARR Jan 1, 2023

Protest against the Tidö agreement and a xenophobic refugee policy  FARR Nov 22, 2022

The Unnecessary Refugee Crisis  (Den onödiga flyktingkrisen, 2021) Texts and links in English 
